Source code for operations

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
#  Copyright (c) 2012, Adam Turcotte (
#                      Nicolas Robidoux (
#  License: BSD 2-Clause License
#  This file is part of the
#  EXQUIRES (EXtensible QUantitative Image RESampling) test suite

"""A collection of classes used to compute image difference data.

The hierarchy of classes is as follows:

    * :class:`Operations` encapsulate a list of :class:`Images`
    * :class:`Images` encapsulate a `dict` of images
      and a list of :class:`Downsamplers`
    * :class:`Downsamplers` encapsulate a `dict` of downsamplers
      and a list of :class:`Ratios`
    * :class:`Ratios` encapsulate a `dict` of ratios and a list :class:`Images`
    * :class:`Images` encapsulate a `dict` of images and a `dict` of metrics

These classes work together to downsample the master images, upsample the
downsampled images, and compare the upsampled images to the master images.
To perform the operations, call :meth:`Operations.compute`.


import os
import shutil
from subprocess import call, check_output

from exquires import database, progress, tools

# pylint: disable-msg=R0903

[docs]class Operations(object): """A collection of Image objects to compute data with. This class is responsible for calling all operations defined in the specified project file when using :ref:`exquires-run` or :ref:`exquires-update`. :param images: images to downsample :type images: list of :class:`Images` """ def __init__(self, images): """Create a new :class:`Operations` object.""" self.images = images self.len = sum(len(image) for image in self.images) def __len__(self): """Return the length of this :class:`Operations` object. The length of an :class:`Operations` object is the total number of operations (downsampling, upsampling, and comparing) to be performed. :return: length of this :class:`Operations` object :rtype: `integer` """ return self.len
[docs] def compute(self, args, old=None): """Perform all operations. :param args: arguments :param args.prog: name of the calling program :param args.dbase_file: database file :param args.proj: name of the current project :param args.silent: `True` if using silent mode :param args.met_same: unchanged metrics :param args.metrics: current metrics :param args.config_file: current configuration file :param args.config_bak: previous configuration file :param old: old configuration entries to be removed :type args: :class:`argparse.Namespace` :type args.prog: `string` :type args.dbase_file: `path` :type args.proj: `string` :type args.silent: `boolean` :type args.met_same: `dict` :type args.metrics: `dict` :type args.config_file: `path` :type args.config_bak: `path` :type old: :class:`argparse.Namespace` """ # Setup verbose mode. if not args.silent: prg = progress.Progress(args.prog, args.proj, len(self)) args.do_op = prg.do_op cleanup = prg.cleanup complete = prg.complete else: prg = [] args.do_op = lambda *a, **k: None cleanup = lambda: None complete = lambda: None # Backup any existing database file. dbase_bak = '.'.join([args.dbase_file, 'bak']) if os.path.isfile(args.dbase_file): shutil.copyfile(args.dbase_file, dbase_bak) # Open the database connection. args.dbase = database.Database(args.dbase_file) success = True try: # Remove old database tables. if old: cleanup() args.dbase.drop_tables(old.images, old.downsamplers, old.ratios) # Create the project folder if it does not exist. tools.create_dir(args.proj) # Compute for all images. for image in self.images: image.compute(args) except StandardError as std_err: success = False error = std_err finally: # Remove the project directory and close the database. shutil.rmtree(args.proj, True) args.dbase.close() if success: # Backup the project file. shutil.copyfile(args.config_file, args.config_bak) # Delete the database backup. if os.path.isfile(dbase_bak): os.remove(dbase_bak) # Indicate completion and restore the console. complete() del prg else: # Restore the previous database file. os.remove(args.dbase_file) if os.path.isfile(dbase_bak): shutil.move(dbase_bak, args.dbase_file) # Restore the console del prg # Print an error message. print error
[docs]class Images(object): """This class calls operations for a particular set of images. :param images: images to downsample :param downsamplers: downsamplers to use :param same: `True` if using unchanged images :type images: `dict` :type downsamplers: list of :class:`Downsamplers` :type same: `boolean` """ def __init__(self, images, downsamplers, same=False): """Create a new :class:`Images` object.""" self.images = images self.downsamplers = downsamplers self.same = same self.len = (len(self.images) * sum(len(down) + down.ops for down in self.downsamplers)) def __len__(self): """Return the length of this :class:`Images` object. The length of an :class:`Images` object is the number of images times the sum of the lengths and the number of upsampling and comparison operations of each :class:`Downsamplers` object. :return: length of this :class:`Images` object :rtype: `integer` """ return self.len
[docs] def compute(self, args): """Perform all operations for this set of images. :param args: arguments :param args.dbase_file: database file :param args.dbase: connected database :param args.proj: name of the current project :param args.silent: `True` if using silent mode :param args.met_same: unchanged metrics :param args.metrics: current metrics :param args.do_op: updates the displayed progress :type args: :class:`argparse.Namespace` :type args.dbase_file: `path` :type args.dbase: :class:`database.Database` :type args.proj: `string` :type args.silent: `boolean` :type args.met_same: `dict` :type args.metrics: `dict` :type args.do_op: `function` """ # Compute for all images. for args.image in self.images: # Make a copy of the test image. if len(self): args.image_dir = tools.create_dir(args.proj, args.image) args.master = os.path.join(args.image_dir, 'master.tif') shutil.copyfile(self.images[args.image], args.master) # Compute for all downsamplers. for downsampler in self.downsamplers: downsampler.compute(args, self.same) # Remove the directory for this image. if len(self): shutil.rmtree(args.image_dir, True)
[docs]class Downsamplers(object): """This class calls operations for a particular set of downsamplers. :param downsamplers: downsamplers to use :param ratios: ratios to downsample by :param same: `True` if using unchanged downsamplers :type downsamplers: `dict` :type ratios: list of :class:`Ratios` :type same: `boolean` """ def __init__(self, downsamplers, ratios, same=False): """Create a new :class:`Downsamplers` object.""" self.downsamplers = downsamplers self.ratios = ratios self.same = same self.ops = len(self.downsamplers) * sum(rat.ops for rat in self.ratios) self.len = (len(self.downsamplers) * sum(len(rat) for rat in self.ratios)) if self.ops else 0 def __len__(self): """Return the length of this :class:`Downsamplers` object. The length of a :class:`Downsamplers` object is the number of downsamplers times the sum of the lengths of each :class:`Ratios` object. :return: length of this :class:`Downsamplers` object :rtype: `integer` """ return self.len
[docs] def compute(self, args, same): """Perform all operations for this set of downsamplers. :param args: arguments :param args.dbase_file: database file :param args.dbase: connected database :param args.proj: name of the current project :param args.silent: `True` if using silent mode :param args.met_same: unchanged metrics :param args.metrics: current metrics :param args.do_op: updates the displayed progress :param args.image: name of the image :param args.image_dir: directory to store results for this image :param args.master: master image to downsample :param same: `True` if possibly accessing an existing table :type args: :class:`argparse.Namespace` :type args.dbase_file: `path` :type args.dbase: :class:`database.Database` :type args.proj: `string` :type args.silent: `boolean` :type args.met_same: `dict` :type args.metrics: `dict` :type args.do_op: `function` :type args.image: `string` :type args.image_dir: `path` :type args.master: `path` :type same: `boolean` """ is_same = self.same and same # Compute for all downsamplers. for args.downsampler in self.downsamplers: # Create a directory for this downsampler if necessary. if len(self): args.downsampler_dir = tools.create_dir(args.image_dir, args.downsampler) # Compute for all ratios. for ratio in self.ratios: ratio.compute(args, self.downsamplers, is_same) # Remove the directory for this downsampler. if len(self): shutil.rmtree(args.downsampler_dir, True)
[docs]class Ratios(object): """This class calls operations for a particular set of ratios. :param ratios: ratios to downsample by :param upsamplers: upsamplers to use :param same: `True` if using unchanged ratios :type ratios: `dict` :type upsamplers: list of :class:`Upsamplers` :type same: `boolean` """ def __init__(self, ratios, upsamplers, same=False): """Create a new :class:`Ratios` object.""" self.ratios = ratios self.upsamplers = upsamplers self.same = same self.ops = len(self.ratios) * sum(len(ups) for ups in self.upsamplers) self.len = len(self.ratios) if self.ops else 0 def __len__(self): """Return the length of this :class:`Ratios` object. The length of a :class:`Ratios` object is the number of ratios. :return: length of this :class:`Ratios` object :rtype: `integer` """ return self.len
[docs] def compute(self, args, downsamplers, same): """Perform all operations for this set of ratios. :param args: arguments :param args.dbase_file: database file :param args.dbase: connected database :param args.proj: name of the current project :param args.silent: `True` if using silent mode :param args.met_same: unchanged metrics :param args.metrics: current metrics :param args.do_op: updates the displayed progress :param args.image: name of the image :param args.image_dir: directory to store results for this image :param args.master: master image to downsample :param args.downsampler: name of the downsampler :param args.downsampler_dir: directory to store dowsampled images :param downsamplers: downsamplers to use :param same: `True` if accessing an existing table :type args: :class:`argparse.Namespace` :type args.dbase_file: `path` :type args.dbase: :class:`database.Database` :type args.proj: `string` :type args.silent: `boolean` :type args.met_same: `dict` :type args.metrics: `dict` :type args.do_op: `function` :type args.image: `string` :type args.image_dir: `path` :type args.master: `path` :type args.downsampler: `string` :type args.downsampler_dir: `path` :type downsamplers: `dict` :type same: `boolean` """ is_same = self.same and same # Compute for all ratios. for args.ratio in self.ratios: if len(self): args.small = os.path.join(args.downsampler_dir, '.'.join([args.ratio, 'tif'])) # Create a directory for this ratio. ratio_dir = tools.create_dir(args.downsampler_dir, args.ratio) # Downsample master.tif by ratio using downsampler. # {0} input image path (master) # {1} output image path (small) # {2} downsampling ratio # {3} downsampled size (width or height) args.do_op(args) call( downsamplers[args.downsampler].format( args.master, args.small, args.ratio, self.ratios[args.ratio] ).split() ) if is_same: # Access the existing database table. args.table = '_'.join([args.image, args.downsampler, args.ratio]) args.table_bak = args.dbase.backup_table(args.table, args.metrics) else: # Create a new database table. args.table = args.dbase.add_table( args.image, args.downsampler, args.ratio, args.metrics) # Compute for all upsamplers. for upsampler in self.upsamplers: upsampler.compute(args, is_same) # Remove the directory for this ratio. if len(self): shutil.rmtree(ratio_dir, True) # Delete the backup table. if is_same: args.dbase.drop_backup(args.table_bak)
[docs]class Upsamplers(object): """This class upsamples an image and compares with its master image. :param upsamplers: upsamplers to use :param metrics: metrics to compare with :param same: `True` if using unchanged upsamplers :type upsamplers: `dict` :type metrics: `dict` :type same: `boolean` """ def __init__(self, upsamplers, metrics, same=False): """Create a new :class:`Upsamplers` object.""" self.upsamplers = upsamplers self.metrics = metrics self.same = same ops = len(self.metrics) self.len = len(self.upsamplers) * (ops + 1) if ops else 0 def __len__(self): """Return the length of this :class:`Upsamplers` object. The length of an :class:`Upsamplers` object is the number of upsampling and comparison operations to perform. :return: length of this :class:`Upsamplers` object :rtype: `integer` """ return self.len
[docs] def compute(self, args, same): """Perform all operations for this set of ratios. :param args: arguments :param args.dbase_file: database file :param args.dbase: connected database :param args.proj: name of the current project :param args.silent: `True` if using silent mode :param args.met_same: unchanged metrics :param args.metrics: current metrics :param args.do_op: updates the displayed progress :param args.image: name of the image :param args.image_dir: directory to store results for this image :param args.master: master image to downsample :param args.downsampler: name of the downsampler :param args.downsampler_dir: directory to store dowsampled images :param args.ratio: resampling ratio :param args.small: downsampled image :param args.table: name of the table to insert the row into :param args.table_bak: name of the backup table (if it exists) :param same: `True` if accessing an existing table :type args: :class:`argparse.Namespace` :type args.dbase_file: `path` :type args.dbase: :class:`database.Database` :type args.proj: `string` :type args.silent: `boolean` :type args.met_same: `dict` :type args.metrics: `dict` :type args.do_op: `function` :type args.image: `string` :type args.image_dir: `path` :type args.master: `path` :type args.downsampler: `string` :type args.downsampler_dir: `path` :type args.ratio: `string` :type args.small: `path` :type args.table: `string` :type args.table_bak: `string` :type same: `boolean` """ is_same = self.same and same and args.met_same # Compute for all upsamplers. for upsampler in self.upsamplers: row = {} if is_same: # Access the existing table row. row = args.dbase.get_error_data(args.table_bak, upsampler, ','.join(args.met_same)) if len(self): if not is_same: # Start creating a new table row. row['upsampler'] = upsampler # Construct the path to the upsampled image. large = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(args.small), args.ratio, '.'.join([upsampler, 'tif']) ) # Upsample ratio.tif back to 840 using upsampler. # {0} input image path (small) # {1} output image path (large) # {2} upsampling ratio # {3} upsampled size (always 840) args.do_op(args, upsampler) call(self.upsamplers[upsampler].format( args.small, large, args.ratio, 840).split()) # Compute for all metrics. for metric in self.metrics: # Compare master.tif to upsampler.tif. # {0} reference image path (master) # {1} test image path (large) args.do_op(args, upsampler, metric) row[metric] = float( check_output( self.metrics[metric][0].format(args.master, large).split() ) ) # Remove the upsampled image. os.remove(large) # Add the new row to the table. if row: args.dbase.insert(args.table, row)